DescriptionThis is a selection of studio shot imagery, with a medium format camera, using micro lens and studio lighting. The subjects I chose to photography are factory manufactured imagery, found in pound shops around London, very cheaply sold, and framed, for house decoration.
My intention was to photographically approach those images, with a 'travellers' gaze, selecting and framing each shot, as if each scene illustrated was a real place and as if I was a tourist visiting such a scenery. The anguished desire to preserve a memory is translated by making use of photography. The choice of using a medium format camera, mirrors the hidden distress, to inscribe on the surface of the film as many visual information as possible.
A world is being revealed through this approach, which does not look 'real', but is being put under a reality context. Its still studio photography, and the subject photographed is still a manufactured landscape, which resembles an image of reality.
It carries a sadness of a place desired to be visited, a 'place' which, with the present approach, becomes the illustration of the desire itself. Reality, memory, the act of photography and its agonized endeavour to preserve the present, are questions posed by this work.